

时间:2024-07-12 11:28来源:编辑

🙋🏻‍♀️Any uus want to go to Xiapu? Sunshine, beach, seafood~
But most of Xiapu's seaside attractions are located in the intertidal zone. Even without good weather, the seawater may appear grayish. So let's plan ahead and wait for better weather to come before setting off. Here's the itinerary that I've come up with - so let's get started!


DAY 1: (East Route) Hua Bamboo - Dongbi Village - Light and Shadows Path 💿 - Xiao Hao Beach Clam Digging

DAY 2: (South Route) Gaoluo Beach - Jishi Beach - Haiweijiao - Dajing Beach - Xiaowei Island Seacave - Lüxia Lighthouse

DAY 3: Sigu Islands - Dong Sigu Island (stay for 2 hours❇) - Nan Sigu Island (depending on weather) - Hong Sigu Island (Bird Island) - North Sigu Island (depending on the situation)


√East Route🧵: Hua Bamboo (for beautiful sunrise) → Dongbi Village (plenty of popular spots for photography 📷 and accommodations) → Light and Shadows Path (great for photography enthusiasts) → Xiao Hao Beach Clam Digging (moderately rich in resources but not as picturesque 🕜 as other spots)


√South Route: Gaoluo Beach (recommended to venture deeper for more fun experiences) → Jishi Beach (great for clam digging and suitable for kids) → Haiweijiao (great for taking photos) → Dajing Beach (stunning beach) → Xiaowei Island Seacave (may become inaccessible as water level rises 🌷, so be sure to check the tide beforehand and visit during low tide for amazing photos) → Lüxia Lighthouse (the road here can be a bit challenging, so be safe)

These attractions are not too far from each other, so it's possible to visit them all in one go. However, it's advisable to choose one beach to hang out and take your time, as the scenery along the way is also quite nice 🏞️

Sigu Islands: like a real-life version of Zelda, super picturesque. You can take the regular ferry or speedboat to reach there. The ferry only runs once a day, so be sure to make a reservation in advance and don't miss the boat. The speedboat is more expensive, but it's up to personal preference 🌸
